1 June 2014

7 Killer ways to Drive Traffic From Forums to your blog/Website

Forum is also great way of driving traffic and getting backlinks to to your blog. Forums are discussion boards that have some members who ask things to each other. As a blogger you should understand the purpose of using forums to huge traffic to your blog.
In this post,i am going to show you 7 way to drive trafficto your website or blog via forums.

1.Register to forums that is popular and have huge activities.Just register on the forum that has huge traffic and are very highly popular.You will get free traffic and backlinks to you blog/site.
Some Forums which are highly popular that you can register are:

Digital Point

Site Point

Warrior Forums

Nairaland Forums

2.Add information about yourself to your profile:Add real information about yourself,for example: about who you are, where you are from etc.Also add a photo of yourself (an avatar, which is visible.Members would want to know you are.So adding information is good.

3.Create attractive and attention-grabber signatures.Adding link in your signature brings most of the traffic from forum to a blog.People will click on the link in the signature therefore driving traffic to your blog.

4. Help others to solve their problems:There are many threads in a discussion board. You can go to any thread of your interest and help others by giving them solutions to their problems.You can even add your blog link as source or any related links.N.B:Don’t overdo it by drop your blog link each time you want to help.

5.Starting a new topic:Creating a new topic is very important.Whenever you create a new,it receives many comments which will get more traffic to your blog. thread

6.Always join discussions:When you drop your own comment,try to make comment valuable to the people so that they can be attracted to your signatures therefore driving visitors to your blog.

7.Try to follow up your comments and new threads you created:
When starting a thread try to subscribe to it and follow up other comment and still add value to the thread.This can bring traffic to your blog/site.
These 7 ways will definitely drive Traffic from forums to your blog or site.




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