For example it is no longer 80mb or 2gb as usual.
The N100 daily bis is converted to N800 and to confuse you thinking its 80mb.
Well, the N800 browsing is charge at 0.02 per kilobyte. 0.02 is 2kobo
So Let take this maths
800 divide by 0.02 (2kobo) is equal to 40,000
In case you are not satisfy here is further primary example,
1 divid by 0.02 is equal to 50
or ( 1 naira divided by 2kobo is 50 kobo).
Ok now 50 * 800 is equal to 40,000.
You get it now right?
And that is 40,000 kilobyte,
and we all know that 1,000 kilobyte is 1mb.
40,000 divide by 1,000 is equal to 40.
Therefore, 40mb is what is now been sold for N100 daily bis.
Tell eveybody it is as simple as that.
Simple but dificult and confusing maths.
To understand me more better dial *123*123#
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